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2 August 2011

It's bullshit to think of friendship and romance as being different. They're not. They're just variations of the same love. Variations of the same desire to be close. — Rachel Cohn


  1. intinya persahabatan dan cinta itu hanya beda tipis toh.

  2. Suka deh..
    Persahabatan dan cinta itu sama..
    Gak bisa milih salah satu diantara mereka..

    Gue follow yah..
    Dtggu folbackny
    Salam kenal y manda..

  3. suka banget sama quote nya! blognya lucu deh

    salam kenal,
    Nila :)


Hi, there. Thanks for stopping by ^^ Kalau mau komentar, jangan anonim, yah! :)